If there are only one or two, or if the number is letters instead, then the bag is likely a fake.Īnother way to find out what the serial number in your Coach bags has to tell you is to turn to online handbag communities. If the seller won't send you these pictures, you may want to pass on making that purchase.
According to Bag Bliss, if the serial number doesn't begin with 'No.,' the abbreviation for 'number,' then it's probably not authentic.While it's tough to identify a counterfeit Coach bag, the serial number contains certain clues. According to Forbes, in fact, it can even be difficult for the company distinguish the real thing, although they have both overt and covert ways to tell (such as hidden stitch counts). Some are fairly high quality and look similar to their authentic counterparts, which makes it tough to identify the real thing.
There's a huge market in fake designer handbags.